sobota, 30 czerwca 2012

Tutorial + Download link:

Download MiniBotters v1.4!

YouTube link!

TWINOID Forum link!

MiniBotters Info:

Lots of recruits? MiniBotters play for you and save your time. Just create file with your recruits, load it into program and enjoy! MiniBotters is a JAR file, so you need to install Java environment at your computer.

MiniBotters File:

File should contains your trooper's names. Each recruit should be placed in new line. If your recruit account is protected by password, you should type it in brackets (i.e.: recruitName5). If your trooper name has spacebar character, replace it with '-' (i.e.: "my fighter" -> "my-fighter"). Allowed file extension: .txt.

MiniBotters Window:

Use Load your troopers button to load your recruits into the program. On the top, you can type opponent name. Click Go Bots! to start playing. In the center of the window, there is table, which contains your recruits. Last coulmn (UPGRADE) allow you to open minitroopers webpage via default web browser (only Windows OS).

MiniBotters Options:

  • link: set action of UPGRADE column buttons (open minitroopers web page via default web browser or copy url to clipboard).
  • upgrade: allow to upgrade your recruit.
  • live upgrade: allow MiniBotters, to choose skill after upgrade.
  • raid count: If your recruit has own recruits, set, how many times MiniBotters should click raid button (in other words: when you are sure, that best of your recruit will reach 3 lvl, set 3 lvl instead of i.e. 6 to save your time).
  • window on top: set the program window always on top.
  • auto scroll down: always scroll down table with recruits.


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